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The PATTERN project consortium is a collaborative group comprised of leading academic and industrial partners, each bringing unique expertise and contributions to the project's objectives. The consortium includes:

  • France EURECOM (Project Coordinator): EURECOM, based in Sophia-Antipolis, France, leads the consortium. Specializing in digital security, EURECOM contributes to privacy-preserving technologies, focusing on cryptographic research and development. It is responsible for the project's coordination and plays a significant role in the design, development, and validation of privacy-enhancing tools.
    Team: Antonio Faonio Associate Professor (Coordinator), Melek Önen Professor.

  • France Orange: As a major telecommunications operator, Orange brings to the consortium its expertise in IT, cybersecurity, and data privacy. Orange contributes use cases for the project, helping to ensure that the solutions developed are aligned with real-world needs and industrial practices.
    Team: Ferran Alborch PhD Student, Jérémy Chôtard Research Engineer, Dominique Le Hello Senior Project Manager, Bastien Vialla Research Engineer.

  • Luxembourg Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST): LIST contributes its expertise in information security and privacy, working on the design and development of privacy-enhancing tools and integrity tools, as well as validating these tools through practical use cases.
    Team: Orhan Ermis Research Associate, Qiang Tang Research Group Leader.

  • Romania University of Bucharest (UB): UB adds significant value in the areas of cryptography, privacy, and computer science. The University's team is involved in developing privacy-enhancing tools and integrity tools, particularly focusing on MPC-based and ZK techniques. UB leads dissemination and communication activities.
    Team: Ruxandra F. Olimid Associate Professor, Alin Stefanescu Professor, Marius Baloi PhD student, Nicoleta Dumitru PhD student, Andreea Dragnoiu PhD student, Mihail Plesa PhD student